Here are some tips of how to get rid of the dark circles under your eyes. Do you look like a Zombie when you wake up? I mean, it's a great look for Halloween but in case you were sleeping in a coffin and you haven't heard yet - Halloween is over! The other excuse you may be able to use for a little while longer is the change in time. However, instead of making excuses why not take the time to change a few things that will help you to get rid of those dark circles and make you look and feel better.

It may help to know that you're not alone in your quest for better sleep. Research studies demonstrate that approximately 25% of people suffer from some form of sleep disorder. In order to live better, you need to sleep better. If your sleeping habits include some of the following, you'll be well on your way to establishing an effective sleep.

Have you given IT much thought? IT is what you'll be sleeping on "If you haven't already done so, you are about to invest in one of life's greatest and most essential experiences " a good night's sleep with someone else in your bed, beside you, all the time! According to Bedding Industry experts " ¦consumers don't really know what to look for in sleep products. Instead, they buy what is sold to them by retail salespeople." If you want to avoid the pitfalls of mattress shopping and a bad mattress experience you should BOTH come in to see us.

Here's the thing... anything you do can turn into a "habit". Your mind loves routine and it loves to stay in the same groove that it has worn into your life for as long as you will allow it to do so. Your mind will use any rationalization or excuse it can latch onto to avoid change. If you want better school grades, you should start today to develop a better sleep routine - don't put it off until tomorrow.

The World Cup of Soccer is here! Are you ready for some Football? So, who is going to win? For me it is very obvious. The team that will win is the team that "Sleeps Better". Yes, you heard it here first and I really mean it. The key to winning is not more and better practices (that should have all been done by now); instead, what is more important at this stage of the game is more and better sleep. The team of players that can handle the pressure, stress, adversity, change and still get a good night's sleep will finish first and be crowned Champions of the World!

The purpose of sleep is to make us more effective during our day time hours. A recent study of adults, between the ages of 23 and 60, shows that if you exercise, later than 4 hours before bedtime, that it will help to improve the quality of your sleep. The more vigorous the exercise the better you will sleep consistently, night after night, and you have fewer sleep problems. Even a light 10-minute walk after dinner is better than nothing. If you want to be happy during the day and more productive add exercise: light, moderate or vigorous to your day time routine. Any and all of them will benefit your sleep more than no exercise at all.

When it's hot outside and your air conditioning is struggling to keep the upstairs bedroom cool, it can be difficult to fall asleep. On the other hand, if it is too cold in your bedroom, this too can wake you. Did you know that even a 1 or 2 degree swing in room temperature can wake you from a comfortable sleep? Fortunately, there is a new modern comfort ingredient, known as iFoam, that can be used as a topper or in the layers of your mattress to maintain a constant temperature on your sleep surface. Please Enjoy!

Most people are walking around exhausted. Due to the pressures and stress of everyday living, they sometimes don't get the right amount of sleep that they should. Learning how to nap at work, and being responsible about it, can help you to catch up on sleep debt, feel better and be more productive for the second half of your work day. It only takes 25 minutes. You should learn how to do it right and if you do you will make less mistakes and it will also improve your overall health and well-being.

A good night's sleep starts with a good mattress. Since we spend one-third of our lives in them, our beds deserve proper care. They'll repay us with a clean healthy place to sleep. Proper care will keep your mattress in good condition. The following easy-care tips will help you get the best out of your bed during its natural life. Just as our bodies need the support of a good mattress, mattresses need a proper place to rest. Although a foam mattress does not require a box spring, it still requires a flat surfaced foundation. A good mattress must be matched with an equally good, strong and stable foundation in order for it to retain its support...

Nothing beats the comfort of good foam. If you want to buy a good mattress and sleep right, go to the right place (factory direct) and get to know your foam first! According to people that come into our showroom, the uncomfortable overly firm bed is still very much in vogue. This may have been true 20 years-ago when they bought their last mattress, but recent developments in foam have had more of an impact on the design of sleep products than any other single material or element. Overall, the educated consumer wins with better quality sleep.

When your baby sleeps better, you will notice a more patient, more tolerant and more engaging baby after a quality nap or a good night sleep. It's never too late to foster excellent sleep habits in a baby, and ultimately help yourself get some much needed rest as well. To help you and your little one earn the much-needed shut-eye (that you both so deserve) here are some of our favorite sleep tips, tricks and facts.

Sleep aboard a retired luxury ocean liner in California, spend the night in a working lighthouse in Oregon, get pizza delivered to your underwater bed by a scuba diver, check into a romantic room surrounded by spectacular views. Our NeoGel Cool Max mattress sleeps the coolest, but if you insist on a unique vacation, you might want to give these cool places a try...