While it’s easy to make jokes about someone’s window-rattling, dog-howling, air-raid siren snores, the truth is that chronic snoring affects up to 45% of the adult population, and can be the cause of a host of physical and emotional problems. Snoring is a serious business. If you or your partner struggle with this issue, taking preventative measures will help ensure a solid night of rest. Keep reading to learn how to diagnose the causes of your snoring and plan for a cure.
Adjust Your Sleeping Position
You’re much more likely to snore if you’re sleeping on your back. Therefore, learning to sleep on your side can help significantly.
Lose Weight & Get Fit
Excess weight contributes to snoring. Losing even a few pounds can help and losing 10% of your body weight could make all the difference.
Watch What You Ingest
Certain foods, drinks, and medications can increase your likelihood of snoring. Certain ingredients or supplements can relax muscles and tissue at the back of your throat that may lead to snoring.
Elevate Your Head During Sleep
If you sleep on your back, buy yourself a few extra pillows and prop yourself up in bed, rather than lying flat on your back. Also, raise the head of your bed. An easy way to do this is to place several flat boards under the legs at the top end of the bed. A couple of old phone books under each leg should also raise the bed enough to do the trick.
Reduce Nasal Swelling
Nasal sprays, nasal strips, and nasal decongestants can help relieve your snoring. If you have allergies, talk with your doctor about taking antihistamines
Don’t Drink Alcohol or Smoke
These substances relax the airway, leading to snoring. Limit yourself to less than one daily for women, or less than two daily for men, and consume your last drink at least four hours before bedtime. Besides contributing to other respiratory problems, smoking also leads to nasal and lung, which can result in snoring.
No matter how much you love each other, snoring can put a strain on your relationship. If you’re the one lying awake at night as your partner snores away, it’s easy to start feeling resentful. And if you’re the snorer, you may feel helpless, guilty, or even irritated with your partner for harping on something you can’t consciously control.
When you consider the many ways for how to stop snoring, the simpler the solution the more likely you are to stick with it. Yet, if your snoring doesn’t respond to these simple remedies and you find yourself waking up gasping for breath during the night – or are still exhausted after a full night of sleep – then you may be suffering from a serious sleep disorder.
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your sleep!
Keywords: sleep better tips, better sleep tips, sleep debt, sleep experts, mattress problems, the key to good comfort, sleep help, snoring, stop snoring
Neck pain is a common complaint that we hear from people that are shopping for pillows. Neck muscles can be strained from poor posture throughout the day and then its usually the pillow that gets blamed for most of people’s neck problems. Here is what you can do to exercise your neck and to prevent neck and shoulder pain.
Our Wellness Wedge is like a toothbrush for spinal hygiene. If you use it just 10 to 15 minutes a day it will keep the ligaments in your neck loose, improve nerve flow function and help to correct any posture problems. I have one under the couch in our family room. I use it nightly and I can feel the difference when I don’t.
How many hours do you spend watching monitors each day? Do you go from your desktop to your laptop, to your tablet, to your television and sit there, in the same position, with bad posture?
Two out of three of us will have neck pain at some time in our lives. In most cases, it is not due to a serious disease or medical problems and often the exact cause for the pain is not clear. This is called ‘nonspecific neck pain’. Most are probably due to minor sprains or bad posture. The best advice to avoid acute or chronic neck pain is to keep the neck active during the day and to stretch it on a daily basis to prevent stiffness and nerve blockage.
You can reach for more painkillers or you can do something naturally to help curb neck or shoulder pain and to maintain proper spine alignment.
What are the types and causes of neck pain?
Neck pain is common. About 2 in 3 people develop some type of neck pain at some time in their lives. In a recent Canadian Study, of 45 to 75 year-olds, they discovered that 1 in 4 women and about 1 in 5 men were currently experiencing neck pain.
Nonspecific neck pain is the most common type. Often the exact cause or origin of the pain is not known. It may include minor strains and sprains to muscles or ligaments in the neck. Bad posture may also be a contributing factor in some cases. For example, neck pain is more common in people who spend much of their working day at a desk, with a ‘bent-forward’ posture.
What are the treatments for nonspecific neck pain?
Exercise your neck and keep active. Aim to keep your neck moving as normally as possible. At first, the pain may be quite bad and you may need to rest for a day or so. However, gently exercise the neck as soon as you are able.
Use a Wellness Wedge on a daily basis so your neck does not ‘stiffen up’. If your neck is sore or stiff, gradually try to increase the range of the neck movements. Every few hours gently move the neck in each direction. Do this several times a day. As far as possible, continue with normal activities. You will not cause damage to your neck by moving it.
A firm supportive pillow also helps when sleeping. Try not to use more than one pillow.
The correct way to sleep is without a crease in your neck. This will help to prevent neck pain. The spine in your upper back remains level with the cervical spine in your neck for ideal support. There is no skin crease and the pillow is tucked into the shoulder to maintain natural spine alignment.
It sure is getting colder outside and my feet remind me every chance they get. It could be my height (6’5″) and the blood not being able to flow to my feet fast enough to keep them warm or my Mediterranean blood cells that are not used to below zero temperatures. I don’t what it is, but my feet feel winter coming long before it is actually here.
However, recently I have been sleeping much better because I have started wearing warm wooly socks to bed. It really, really helps. If you have cold feet, like I do, you should try this Better Sleep Tip.
Little tricks like this and a consistent wind-down routine every day can help you fall asleep more quickly and on time. Try any or all of the following relaxing behaviours for a better night’s sleep.
Keep a regular sleep schedule
Getting in sync with your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle is the key to good sleep. You will feel more refreshed and energized.
Set a regular bedtime
Wake up at the same time every day
If you’re getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm. If you do, then it could be a sign that you are not getting enough sleep, perhaps you need to start sleeping earlier.
Nap to make up for lost sleep
Most of us have a natural dip in alertness between 2 – 4 pm (depending on when you wake up and start working). A quick power nap can be extremely effective to recharge. You should limit your nap to less than 30 minutes to prevent from entering into a state of deep sleep. If you do you will feel even worse when you wake up.
Fight after-dinner drowsiness
If you’re sleepy after dinner, try some stretching or light chores to keep awake. Falling asleep too early will disrupt your normal sleep cycle. If you have a late after-dinner nap you may wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back to sleep.
Limit shift changes if possible
Shift workers have sleep disturbances due to biological cues from light that affects the body’s natural instinct to sleep. If you do work night shift, to help regulate the body, try to be in as much bright light as possible but in your bedroom, make sure you have black-out curtains to shut out the daylight. Limit any caffeine to the early part of your shift. When switching shift cycles, you may need up to a week to adjust to changes in your sleep routine.
Sleep Better to Live Better…
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your sleep!
If Katy Perry were to write a song about the best room temperature for better sleep, it may sound a little like this…
“Cause you’re hot when I’m cold, sleep cooler I’m told. You’re yes when I’m no, which way should we go? You’re in when I’m out, you sweat and you shout. You’re up then you’re down, quit moving around. You’re wrong when it’s right, I’m up the whole night!“
Try it a few times, it’s even better with background music. Okay, I’m not a songwriter but I do play one from time to time. There’s always something humming in my head. The voices in my head, they won’t go. Anyway, I digress, back to the day job. So, what do you think is the best room temperature for better sleep?
According to experts, cooler is better
Studies have found that in general, the ideal temperature, all year round, for sleeping better is quite cool, around 62 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit, that’s between 16 to 20 Celsius. Temperatures that fall too far below or above this range can lead to restlessness and disrupted sleep cycles.
Temperatures in this range help facilitate the decrease in core body temperature that in turn initiates sleepiness. A growing number of studies are finding that temperature regulation plays a role in many cases of chronic insomnia.
Researchers have shown, for example, that insomniacs tend to have a warmer core body temperature than normal sleepers just before bed, which leads to heightened arousal and a struggle to fall asleep.
For troubled sleepers, a cool room and a hot-water bottle placed at your feet, to give you warmth, actually helps lower core temperature and eliminates the impulsive need to raise the temperature. Some people like to wear socks. You may also want to try this before you reach for the thermostat.
Keep it cool with Gel in or on your mattress
People that sleep hot should avoid conventional memory foam mattresses and pillows. They are comfortable but they are also somewhat hot. Over the past several years, memory foams have been the hottest material in premium bedding – in more ways than one.
Memory foams have the ability to conform to your personal body shape, thereby providing customized comfort just where you need it. However, many people find that memory foams also tend to trap body heat, making them uncomfortably warm to sleep on.
If you want to maintain the best room temperature for better sleep, during the summer, then you should consider one of these options. Our Koosh ViscoGel is the latest bio-based natural memory foam that is infused with swirls of cooling gel. It’s cool and comfortable. If you like it even cooler try a layer of our solid blue NeoGel on top of the ViscoGel memory foam. You can also put socks on your feet as cold feet, in particular, can be very disruptive to sleep. It works for me; especially, during the colder winter months.
While most sleep experts advocate for a slightly chilly room for optimal sleep quality, the truth of it is that the ideal temperature varies from person to person. Other things (clothes, covers, sleep surface, body temperature) also come into play.
Final Note
If you want to sleep better, you don’t have to fight with your sleep partner. All you have to do is ask them to read our blog or give us a call. As a custom sleep manufacturer, we have many options that can be used to give both of you what you need or want to sleep better, on your side of the bed.
Start every day with a good night’s sleep…
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your sleep!
The end of summer and going back to school can be challenging in the best of times. Now that we are returning back to school under COVID-19, it can be even harder.
Poor sleep has become a chronic problem for kids and teens with a lack of routine and schedules from lockdowns and quarantines. Back to school is a good time to start a regular sleep routine and create some good successful sleep habits.
How much sleep are you getting?
Studies have found that most students in middle and high school don’t get the recommended amount of sleep. It should be between 8½ to 9½ hours. The study also showed that most high school seniors get an average of fewer than seven hours.
The lack of sleep is more evident with students that have to get up, before dawn, to catch a school bus. No wonder these teens love to sleep in on weekends. It is not a symptom of laziness but instead, it is derived from the fact that they are not getting enough sleep during the week and they are trying to catch up on it during the weekend.
Catching up on sleep is something that the body will naturally make you do. But changing your sleep routine, on weekends, is not the most ideal thing to do. Think about it. If you sleep in until noon on Sunday you may not be tired that night. And you will have difficulty falling asleep at your regular hour.
Some influential experts have put forth evidence that suggests that delaying start times is good. It can lead to more night-time sleep and improve students’ motivation in class and mood. The policy also says that there could be broader long-term benefits. However, this requires more research to determine what exactly they would be.
In the meantime, until the experts figure it all out, make sure they have a good mattress and here’s what to do to develop better sleep habits and to improve the quality of sleep.
1) Keep a regular sleep schedule
Getting in sync with your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle is the key to good sleep. You will feel more refreshed and energized.
2) Set a regular bedtime
Having regular sleep and wake times each day, even on weekends, will help condition your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle. If you tend to stay up later on weekends, make sure you still try to wake up at your regular time or at most an hour later. You can always make up for lost sleep with a short nap.
3) Wake up at the same time
If you’re getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm. If you do, then it could be a sign that you are not getting enough sleep, perhaps you need to start sleeping earlier.
4) Nap to make up for lost sleep
Most of us have a natural dip in alertness between 2 – 4 pm (depending on when you wake up and start working). A quick power nap can be extremely effective to recharge. You should limit your nap to less than 30 minutes to prevent from entering into a state of deep sleep. If you do you will feel even worse when you wake up.
5) Fight after-dinner drowsiness
If you’re sleepy after dinner, try some stretching or light chores to keep awake. Falling asleep too early will disrupt your normal sleep cycle. If you have a late after-dinner nap you may wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back to sleep.
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Help your kids be the best that they can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve their quality of sleep!
Keywords: better sleep time, regular bedtime, better sleep tips, back to school, regular sleep routine, better sleep tips for teens
Is it possible to have a custom memory foam mattress with cooling properties that both relieves pressure points and gives you proper support that maintains your spine in its natural alignment? Before I answer that, let me say this…
When buying a new mattress you should keep in mind that a softer mattress would help to relieve pressure points in your shoulders and hips but a firmer mattress will give you better support and lower back pain relief.
If you suffer from both those things
equally, then you would have to look for a zoned mattress with something softer
in the shoulder and foot area and something firmer in the mid-section.
The Hottest thing in Bedding
For the past several years, memory foams have been the hottest material in premium bedding – in more ways than one. The majority of online bed in box marketers are selling a memory foam mattress.
Memory foams have the ability to conform to personal body shapes and provide custom comfort just where you need it most. However, many people find that memory foams trap body heat, making them uncomfortably warm to sleep on.
Memory foam cores and exterior covers have become more
sophisticated with parts that enhance the coolness within your mattress and on
top of it.
They also include technologies such as phase-changing materials, zoning, mega open-celled foam, air channels cut into the foam, 3D mesh borders, NeoGel toppers, Viscogel memory foam, and cooling fabrics that wick away moisture and dissipate heat.
An Educated
Consumer is our Best Customer
We recently received this email from a consumer that soon became
one of our customers:
“Hi, I recently bought a midrange priced memory foam mattress in a box from two different online bed in box retailers. I was fascinated with the convenience of having a mattress shipped to my door in a box. However, my wonderment and amazement didn’t last long.
I was confused as to what I should have expected to come out of the box. What I got is a completely crushed, compact, hard, warped thing. I realize that it’s been rolled up and compacted for packaging.
In the first case, there was no info in the box whatsoever as to what to expect. Will this take days to ‘undo’ itself? It’s completely unusable and I am a little irritated as I spent almost $800 on this thing. It was supposed to be a Queen but it seems more like a full-size.
Oops, it happened again…
The second mattress, from a different company, was very hot to sleep on and it got much softer after just 2 months of use. I returned that one too. I wish there was better information provided before I bought these products.
Very disappointed, with my mattress in a box experience and I am not sure what to try next. What’s so good about your mattresses? “
Email by Robin W., – May 26, 2019
Do you ever watch those athlete interviews after they have won the
Cup or trophy and the reporter asks them, “So, what does this win mean for
you?” More often than not they reply with “Everything!”
So, what do we do different, then the online mattress in a box sellers, that makes our mattresses better? Answer: “Everything!”
Here are some things to consider before buying your next mattress:
1) What every bed should have, and should not have…
a) New developments in foam, have
made foam the fastest growing sleep surface. We are a foam and mattress
b) Foam is the key comfort
ingredient used in all mattresses. If you want to buy a good mattress, get to
know your foam first.
c) The right firmness of foam
helps to relieve pressure points.
d) The layering of different grades of foam gives you proper posturizing and maintains your spine in its natural alignment. Every custom memory foam mattress should have this.
e) The right types of memory foam
and covers give you cooling characteristics that are not found in mass-produced
online mattresses.
f) Consumers don’t really know what to buy. Educated consumers go directly to manufacturers to provide them with better quality sleep options at a variety of price points.
g) A variety
of price points includes prices that are less expensive than online mattresses
for the same or even better foam options.
2) What are the attributes of an ideal sleep surface?
First, basic comfort. Above everything else, any and every custom memory foam mattress has to be physically comfortable. You just can’t have a relaxed, healthful sleep without it.
However, you want that comfortable feel to last as long as possible. You can achieve this with better quality high resiliency foam (Koosh Natural) that does not soften with use as quickly as lighter weight polyurethane grades.
3) Many feel that comfort is highly subjective, and different for every individual.
I disagree. Comfort is objective and measurable. It’s a maximum of 0.5 lbs. of pressure on a square inch of the body surface. Regardless of your size or shape, any increase beyond that begins to restrict circulation and starts the muscle tension that produces restless tossing and turning (see Ergocheck Testing).
4) You’re talking about pressure points?
Exactly. Comfort, absolute physical comfort, is nothing more than the absence of pressure points.
5) And foam gets rid of them?
Only a sleep in space or on a clinically perfect flotation system will do that. But foam does minimize their effect better than any other practical material available today. Its characteristic ability to contour and conform to any irregular shape, in this case, the human body, is unsurpassed.
6) How does contouring provide comfort?
It allows more of the body to contact the sleep surface. The more square inches of contact, the less overall pressure per square inch, and the less opportunity for discomfort in any local area. In effect, foam’s contourability allows every inch of the body to literally carry its own weight. Every type of sleep product, even water, and air beds are using more and more foam to add comfort.
7) What’s next on the most important sleep attribute list?
Support. Lots of room for discussion here. Two real camps with basically differing views. First, there are those who have been conditioned over the years to equate support with firmness… “a good firm mattress is necessary for healthful sleep, a soft mattress means morning backache.” Then, there are those who say firm is needlessly uncomfortable, impeding relaxing sleep. Let’s look at some suggested criteria for support.
8) Simply stated:
sleep surface should hold the spine as close as possible to its natural
alignment while standing, regardless if you are a side or back sleeper.”
There are a couple of other support considerations we can touch on later, but I agree completely with the natural spine alignment criteria. Support is nothing more than the absence of sag. Sag is the enemy, not soft.
9) How do the two camps feel about that?
The basic difference is that the ‘firm’ group allows the body to conform to the unnatural, straight shape of the sleep surface. As a result, they sacrifice both a natural spine line and comfort with their acceptance of the ‘firm is healthful’ dogma. The ‘comfort’ group looks for a surface that conforms to them. They maintain a natural spine line and pick up the added comfort that contouring brings as a bonus.
Final Note
Q: Is it possible to have a custom memory foam mattress that both relieves
pressure points and gives you proper support that maintains your natural spine
A: Yes, and lots more!
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Keywords: sleep better, Koosh Natural, cool memory foam, mattress in a box, neogel memory foam mattress, custom memory foam mattress, cooling mattress covers, custom size memory foam mattress, natural memory foam mattress, viscogel memory foam, factory direct mattresses, foamite custom comfort, buying the right mattress, mattress layering
Have you checked your mattress lately? Now may be a good time to do so.
Many people use the warranty of their mattress as a guide to determine when it’s time to replace it. However, what people should know is that the comfort ingredients, on top of your spring core, wear out much sooner than the springs and that’s what cause poor sleep and restless nights.
Here are the signs to determine if you need a new mattress:
1) Your mattress is over 8 years old The age of the mattress is one of the first things to consider. Most people don’t remember when they bought their last mattress. If you are not good at keeping files, you should write the date of purchase on the mattress label. Consumer Reports magazine recommends replacement every 7 to 10 years. This may be a shock to many people who have purchased a mattress with a 20-year warranty. You should know that the warranty is meant to cover certain parts (springs) and workmanship and not a mattress’s overall comfort.
2) You don’t feel rested when you wake If you get a good night’s sleep you should wake up feeling refreshed and rested. If you find that you are waking up tired and feeling drowsy during the day (and you don’t suffer from other sleep disorders like sleep apnea) it may be due to too much tossing and turning throughout the night. Your body is working overtime to find a comfortable sleeping position that does not exist.
3) You wake up with aches and pains and holding your back
Are you waking up stiff and tired every morning? If you are then chances are you need a new mattress. Old mattresses tend to gradually lose the ability to provide proper support and once the comfort zone has matted down you will get pressure points by sleeping directly on the springs. As the comfort layers lose their compression (if not their shape), your mid-section, which represents the heavier part of your body, will sag into the mattress.
This can create significant pain in the neck, shoulders and back. You will also get uncomfortable pressure points that will cause you to toss and turn all night long. Morning neck and back pain that gets better throughout the day is a sign that you need a new mattress or that you are sleeping on a mattress that is the wrong firmness for your body.
4) Other places feel more comfortable If you find yourself going into another bedroom to sleep or prefer the couch to your bed, this is a fairly good indication that you should consider buying a new mattress. Same goes if you find that you are sleeping better on a hotel mattress when you go away on vacation. Your mattress should be comfortable and supportive. It should give your body a rest and some time to relax and fully recover. Struggling to fall asleep at night is often the result of discomfort; studies show that by simply replacing an old mattress you can improve the quality and quantity of your sleep.
5) Your spring mattress squeaks or your box spring creaks The ability of your mattress to provide support can be greatly affected by what supports your mattress. If you feel like your mattress is in fairly good condition but that something is off, consider checking your bed’s foundation (box spring) and the frame that it’s sitting on. Broken or worn out box springs can affect a mattress’s comfort, support, and shape. Similarly a frame, without a center support, may cause even a new mattress to sag in the centre.
6) You have a visible and noticeable sag If you feel pain in your joints, muscles or your back, inspect your bed to see if there are signs of sagging or body impressions. Sagging can occur as springs break down and lose resiliency and impressions occur as the polyester fiber, foam and felt compresses over a short period of time. Sagging and impressions as little as 1.5″ in depth are linked to increased pain according to sleep surveys by back experts. If your “pillow-top” mattress is showing a sag at this level or greater, a new mattress should be on the top of your priority list well before you plant your new flowers for the season or open up your pool (if you have one).
7) You hammock into the mattress If you feel like you are sagging into the mattress, even when there is not noticeable sag, it is probably due to the softening of the core in your memory foam or full foam mattress. A better high resiliency core, like Koosh Natural, will keep its firmness and shape a lot longer than conventional polyurethane foam. When your mattress has reached this level of wear, it can significantly affect how you sleep and how you feel all day long.
8) You are suffering from bad dust allergies If you find that allergies seem worse at night or first thing in the morning it may be an indication that it’s time for a new mattress. Dust mites are one of the leading causes of allergens and they thrive in mattresses and bedding. Memory foam, latex and waterbeds are most resistant to dust mites. Our Smart iFoam is made with silver ions that deter dust mites and bed bugs alike. However, dust mites love to hibernate and multiply in the cotton felt layer that is found in most spring mattresses. Using a dust mite resistant mattress cover and frequently washing pillows and bedding can also help alleviate dust mites and extend the life of a new mattress.
9) You have experienced a significant change in weight People often gain or lose weight during a mattress’s life cycle. This could happen if you have a surgery, accident, pregnancy, diet or as you age. Even if the mattress is in decent condition, what supported you or was comfortable 5 years ago may no longer do the trick if your weight has fluctuated up or down. If firmness or pressure points are the issue, you can buy a mattress topper as a temporary solution until you are ready to buy a new mattress. However, if the mattress is too soft or lacks support, a topper will do very little to help your sleeping conditions.
Final Word
If you want some tips for choosing a new mattress, you should get a proper Sleep Analysis from a comfort and sleep expert that can make you a custom mattress, using the best and most natural comfortable ingredients, at a great factory direct price.
Get the best sleep of your life by sleeping on Real Comfort ingredients!
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your sleep!
Keywords: Smart iFoam, sleep analysis, neck pain, mattress problems, mattress buying myths, landfills, better sleep month, old spring mattresses, pressure points, replace old mattress, mattress sagging, real comfort, back pain, Koosh Natural
An overwhelming majority of people are spending more time at home to stay safe and to protect others from contracting COVID-19. As you spend more time on your couch, than usual, I would like to provide you with some information on when to replace your sofa cushions. They may no longer support you or give you the comfort that you so desperately seek during these difficult and uncomfortable times.
Many people continue to use their chair or sofa cushions a lot longer than they should. Most often they procrastinate and do nothing because they think they have to replace all the furniture (the sofa, chair and loveseat) when in fact just by replacing the foam cores could make a world of difference.
Here are signs that you need new foam cushions
1) Your sofa is over 5 years old The age of your sofa is one of the first things to consider. Most people don’t remember when they bought their upholstered furniture. If you are not good at keeping files, you should write the date on the back of the foam inside your cushion. Consumer Reports magazine recommends replacing your new original foam cushions in the first 3 to 5 years. This may be a shock to many people but you should know that most OEM foam is a plastic-based polyurethane foam that starts to soften after the first 6 months of use.
2) You don’t feel rested when you get up from the couch If you fall asleep on the couch and you find yourself holding your back when you get up, chances are that your foam cushions are not supporting you properly. While you are trying to rest, your body is working overtime to maintain your spine in its natural alignment and to find a comfortable resting position that does not exist. As the foam cores lose their compression (if not their shape) your mid-section, which represents the heavier part of your body, will sag into the sofa.
3) Other places feel more comfortable If you find yourself going into another room, the lesser-used living room instead of the mostly-used family room, this is a fairly good indication that you should consider buying new sofa cushions for your family room. The same goes if you find that you are more comfortable when you go to friends or a relative’s house and sit on their new sofa. Your sofa should be comfortable and supportive. It should give your body a rest and some time to relax and fully recover. Replace your sofa cushions and improve the quality of your rest and relaxation time.
4) You have a visible and noticeable sag Sagging can occur on top or below your cushions. The springs in the sofa deck can break down and lose their support factor. If that happens, the foam cushions on top will also sag and take the shape of the weaker springs below. In this case, you would need to fix the sofa deck before you can make a call on the cushions.
However, chances are that you need new cushions if the sofa deck has sagged and you still haven’t replaced your original foam cushions. Springs should last longer than foam unless you have bought a High Resiliency grade like Koosh Natural which will keep its shape and firmness much longer than conventional polyurethane grades.
5) You are suffering from bad dust allergies If you find that your allergies seem worse when you are laying on your couch, it may be an indication that it’s time for new cushions. Dust mites are one of the leading causes of allergens and they thrive in mattresses and in sofa cushions.
Our Smart iFoam is made with silver ions that deter dust mites and bed bugs alike. However, dust mites love to hibernate and multiply in the polyester fibre layer that is used to wrap foam cushions. Using a dust mite resistant inner cover and frequently vacuuming and washing your exterior covers can also help alleviate dust mites and extend the life of your cushions.
6) Is your foam safe and free from off-gassing? Natural soy-based foam does not off-gas like some of its predecessors. You should know that all foam is not created equal and that prior to 2014 foam was made with flame retardants like PBDEs and TRIS. The off-gassing from these chemicals created a toxic environment in your home. Is your foam toxin-free? If your furniture was made before 2014, chances are that it may not be. You have to wear a mask outside but not inside, too!
7) Are your sofa cushions too soft or too firm? A lot of people pay very good money to buy upholstered furniture with feather cushions. However, as much as they originally liked the shabby sheik look, they quickly discovered that the cushions were too soft and did not provide proper support.
On the other hand, people that have experienced soft cushions tend to go to the other extreme and often over-compensate and go with something that is way too firm. Choosing the right firmness can be complicated but not if you take the time to get to know your foam first.
Keep in mind, a softer cushion would help to relieve pressure points in your seat and hips but a firmer cushion will give you better support and lower back pain relief. If you suffer from both those things equally, then you may want to order a layered cushion that can do both. Contact us and we will help you with that before you order foam online and have it delivered directly to you anywhere in North America.
Final Word
If you want some tips for choosing a new mattress, you should get a proper Sleep Analysis from a comfort and sleep expert that can make you a custom mattress, using the best and most natural comfortable ingredients, at a great factory-direct price.
Stay Safe. Stay Home. Stay Comfortable. Get the most rest and relaxation from your upholstered furniture or mattress, by sitting or sleeping on Real Comfort ingredients and not the light-weight fluffy stuff that others select for you!
As your whole family “Shelter in Place”, here are some things that you can do, around your home, to feel a little more comfortable.
Who saw this coming and God only knows how long
it will last. Thanks to Covid-19, we are all spending more time at home. And
more time sitting on our upholstered furniture or in bed glued to the
television to see what happened today and what might happen next. I hope that`s
not just me.
Did you see all those spring-breakers on Clearwater beach? What were they thinking? According to a Dutch proverb, “We grow too soon old and too late smart!”
So, once you’ve got your anti-virus protocols in place since you’re already focused on health and safety, why not look at other ways you can protect yourself and your family? To that end, I’d like to introduce the concept of “replacement foam cycles”, because that’s what we do.
As a matter of fact, we are now considered an essential business. We are supplying foam, daily; to companies that are making masks for protection against COVID-19. We are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm or you can order foam online.
Replacement Foam Cycles
These are the predictable lengths of time that you can expect your comfort products to last before they lose their effectiveness. In the case of the original foam that is used in mattresses and upholstered furniture; even though it may not have a visible sag, it could have softened prematurely and lost its comfort and support properties.
You should also know that many foam grades carry hidden dangers and they need to be swapped out sooner than later. Here’s what you should know as you shelter in place:
Mattresses. The National Sleep Foundation recommends replacing your mattress every 8 to 10 years to improve the quality of your sleep. Unfortunately, the biggest complaint in our showroom, about competitor’s store-bought mattresses, is that their 20-year mattress has only lasted 3 to 4 years.
If you’re over 40, you may find your mattress gets uncomfortable even sooner than 8 years, because older bodies often need more comfort and support. Anyone that purchased a mattress prior to 2010 should also know that back then mattresses were made with harmful chemicals and substances that were related to numerous health problems.
Some imported mattress-in-a-box models are still made that way to keep costs down. The best way to select your next foam topper or mattress is to get to know your foam first and go to a foam manufacturer that can show you all the grades in the marketplace today.
Upholstered Furniture. Plastic-based polyurethane foam will start softening within the first 6 months of use. Unfortunately, all upholstered furniture is made with polyurethane foam. So when you start sagging into the couch, because there is no support, isn’t that the same as when your seat has sagged by 3 inches? We think so! And it doesn’t have to be that way. Koosh Natural high-resiliency foam is used in commercial applications and it is guaranteed to last much longer than conventional polyurethane foam.
You should also know that prior to 2014 foam was made with flame retardants like PBDEs and TRIS. The off-gassing from these chemicals created a toxic environment in your home. Is your foam toxic-free? If your furniture was made before 2014, chances are that it may not be.
Pillows. Even if you use pillow protectors and wash your pillows every six months, you still should replace them every one to two years, according to the Better Sleep Council. Hair and body oils can accumulate in the fabric and stuffing and create a breeding ground for bacteria and dust mites. If you experience allergy symptoms when you wake up, your pillow might be the culprit.
Polyester fibre and low-density foam pillows also lose their shape and supportability much quicker than all-natural latex rubber pillows. Here are a couple of clues: if you sleep better at hotels than you do at home, it could be your pillow! Secondly, try folding your pillow in half. If it stays folded, rather than springing back, it’s likely time for a new one.
Foam and Coronavirus (Covid-19)
If you are thinking of ordering foam online you should know the precautions we have taken and how COVID-19 reacts on foam.
It is more likely to catch COVID-19 from hard surfaces that are frequently touched, like doorknobs or railings, than a softer and porous surface like polyurethane foam. When we receive the foam blocks they are immediately sanitized in our shipping area. Next, we remove the outer skin before we cut into the foam block to make the size that you require for your cushion or mattress application.
Again, while research is still being done, we do know that COVID-19 is mainly being spread via droplets emitted during coughing or sneezing. Soft and porous surfaces, are not good incubators for COVID-19, compared to hard, frequently-touched surfaces, like doorknobs and countertops.
Foam is cut on stainless steel tables. These
tables are sanitized and cleaned daily. According to the EPA, when dealing with
hard surfaces, a simple disinfectant (containing hydrogen peroxide) should be
effective at sanitizing surfaces if exposed to COVID-19.
FOAMITE Industries Inc. fully recognizes the risk of COVID-19 and takes this pandemic seriously. We are dedicated to protecting our staff, clients, and communities by minimizing the risk of the transmission of the virus. FOAMITE is dedicated to servicing our clients and is actively planning service alternatives should the current situation continue to evolve.
During times of adversity and hardship,
supporting one another and working together makes a difference. We thank you
for your continued support and understanding as we look forward to returning to
our usual hours and protocol once this pandemic has been resolved.
Start every day in a healthy way!
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Keywords: order mattress, foam cut to size, foam mattresses, chair seats, foam, foam pillows, coronavirus, covid-19, mattresses, virus, essential business, shelter in place, stay at home, home and comfort, foam cushions, order foam
There are some good reasons for buying a mattress in a box, but before you do there are some things you should know.
Pencil and paper. Fish and chips. Peanut butter and jelly. You’ve probably heard of these things that go together, but for mattress makers, there’s one pair in particular that goes hand-in-hand: foam and mattresses.
Foam is the key comfort ingredient used in all mattresses. Still, that doesn’t mean that all mattress manufacturers are using top-notch foam in their mattresses. Unfortunately, the onus is still on the consumer to educate themselves so that they get the best quality at the right price.
How does one go about doing that? Well for starters you have to look past the social media marketing, the influence peddling, and the advertising. There is no better place to get a good education than by visiting a foam and mattress factory.
Last week a few of my younger poker buddies asked me if I had heard about the “new” mattress in a box technology? “Oh, grasshopper…” I said, “although it may be new to you because you just saw it on social media, it wasn’t new at all.”
This technology has been around since 1985 when I first saw it at Woodbridge Foam. As long as 35 years ago, they were compressing and rolling low-density foam mattresses for IKEA. The compressed mattresses, then sat in a warehouse, for a prolonged period of time before they were sold.
Fair warning: If you want to buy a good mattress and sleep better, you’re going to have to do some work. This includes going back a second time and changing the core if you didn’t get it right the first time around. Very few companies offer this service, but we do.
Instead of letting others sell you the firmness and grades that they think are best for you, why not educate yourself and buy the right mattress for your size, back condition, and preference at a great factory direct price.
Here are 11 reasons why you shouldn’t buy a mattress in a box, sight unseen:
1) They are not made with the best quality foam
The picture on the right shows the inside of one of the most popular online mattresses sold today. The bottom layers are usually filler grades and nowhere near as good as the thinner top layers.
We carry 45 different grades of foam and they are not all the same. If you want to buy a good mattress, get to know your foam first. Mattress in box sellers, go to a foam manufacturer and have them make a layered foam mattress for them.ÂÂ
2) They do not make the foam or their own mattresses
Mattress in a box marketers say that their mattresses are made in Canada, but you shouldn’t assume that they are the ones that are making them. They are not! We make the foam and the mattresses.
Over the past 5 years, we have been approached by a number of internet mattress marketers that have asked us to make their mattresses for them. We declined because we prefer the quality approach to business at the lowest factory direct price.
3) The Price is NOT Right!
Since they don’t make their own foam or mattresses, the only way they can beat a Factory Direct manufacturer is by using lower quality grades and materials.
Most of their mattress covers are one-sided. The bottom is usually finished with a liner and not the same material that is used on the top. If you want to buy a mattress like that we can make you one for much less.
4) They are not made with firm edges
When you sit on the side of the mattress it squishes all the way down to the base. It is not made with firm edges because you cannot compress them to fit in a box.
5) You can’t compress and roll-pack the firmer grades
If you are a bigger person or if you have back pain, you may need a firmer mattress core for better support and back pain relief. You cannot order one in a box because the compression and the roll-packing machine has its limitations. It cannot compress the firmer options.
6) The mattress softens up (prematurely) when they crush the foam
When you compress a 10″ mattress down to 1″, and leave it like that for an extended period of time, this will crush the cells in the foam and make the mattress softer than it was before you put it through the crushing process.
This means a medium firmness will feel like a medium soft after you crush and roll it. Once you start using that polyurethane foam mattress it will continue to soften with use. Within a few months you will be sagging into your mattress. This is not good because you need a firmer core to maintain your spine in its natural alignment.
7) What happens after the 100 day free trial period?
You’re on your own. Many mattress in a box customers have come to see us for repairs and alterations after the free trial period. Consumers that have already had a bad mattress experience turn out to be some of our best customers.
If you have bought a mattress in a box and it didn’t turn out like you thought it would bring it to us and we will help you find a solution to your problem. We do this all the time.
8) If you live in the GTA there is a better way
You may have to buy a mattress in a box if you live in a rural community far away from everything, but if you live in the Greater Toronto Area there is a better way to buy a good mattress.
Go directly to a foam and mattress manufacturer where you can go back and change the core of your mattress, as many times as you want, for as long as you own your mattress.
9) Don’t buy what they’re selling
Instead, buy what we can make for you and in a manner that makes good economic sense. Shop Factory Direct and get better quality for less.
10) One mattress firmness does not fit all
They want you do believe that one mattress construction is good for everybody, but it’s not. If it was we wouldn’t need 45 different grades of foam and countless combinations.
Instead, we would be carrying only 3 grades: soft, medium and firm. Hey, what about super soft and extra firm and medium firm and lighter-weight less expensive firm and more natural green foam and long-lasting high resiliency foam and so on. Do you see what I mean?
11) Fake versus Real Comfort
“They’re promoting fake comfort”, says John who came into our showroom to replace their mattress that came rolled up in a box. “The gimmick and convenience of buying a mattress in a box draws you in. However, it’s not like you see in their advertising. We replaced our mattress after 10 months of trying to sleep on it with no success.” John L – Woodbridge, ON
Final Note
I would like to end with one of the pairings, that I started with. That would be the one about “youth and inexperience”. I often tell my son, “you don’t know, what you don’t know… until you know it.” It’s unfortunate but true.
Remember, if you want to buy a good mattress, get to know your foam first! The key comfort ingredient that is used in all mattresses is foam. The type of foam that you choose will improve the quality of your sleep and the longevity of your mattress, in terms of comfort, support, and durability.
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your sleep!
Keywords: mattress buying myths, foam mattress comparison, mattress manufacturer, mattress in a box, memory foam mattress in a box, How to buy a good mattress, firm edges on a mattress, foam and mattress factory, foam mattresses, mattress shopping, mattress problems
An old customer of ours used to say, “You don’t know what you don’t know, until you have a problem and then you need to know it! I guess that is the way it was, but maybe it’s not so much like that anymore. In today’s world with social media you can find out all kinds of things very easily and quickly.
How does this relate to Latex Mattresses? Well, it’s like this. You can ask a lot of questions up front to make sure that you are getting the best value for your money or you can lay awake at night and eventually pay for another mattress sooner than you thought you would.
Here Are Some Things That You Also May Not Know
In a recent incident a consumer discovered, the hard way, that a major New York mattress retailer misrepresented what was in his Latex Mattress. The customer found out that the Latex that he got in his Latex Mattress was only 21% Latex and 77% Polyurethane foam. However, in their store the sales staff routinely described this mattress as 100% Natural Latex. Six months later the bed became very uncomfortable. It became lumpy and the “pillow top” seems to have become distorted.
Neither he nor his wife was particularly heavy and they were dumbfounded that the mattress had deformed as quickly as it did.
I could start this line by saying “I don’t know” but – I do know. I know that people that make spring mattress don’t really know how to make a good latex rubber mattress. If they did they would not put a fluffy “pillow top” on top of a good piece of foam that is in the core of the mattress. You would not do this, unless the piece in the middle was not that good to begin with or if you were trying to hide something and prolong the inevitable – premature sagging.
What’s Inside A Spring Mattresses, Does Anybody Know?
Innerspring mattresses are still the most common mattresses sold in North America because they are cheaper to produce and mattress retailers can make more money selling them. The spring core unit provides a lot of support but the quality of comfort materials are often lacking. The most common complaint that we hear in our showroom is that my 20-year spring mattress is no longer comfortable after 3 or 4 years.
It’s the padding on top of the springs that is supposed to provide the comfort. Many manufacturers will use the same spring core and then vary the padding and the covering material to provide a range of different mattresses. They have to do this in order to supply the number of mattress stores, in the same neighbourhood, that carry their mattresses. However, this tends to confuse consumers and the only way that they can really compare the different models is by tearing the cover off and looking inside.
What Previous Latex Mattress Customers Know
The Original All Natural Latex Rubber Mattress was and still is 100% natural. All natural latex mattresses are highly recommended by previous owners who are familiar with their luxurious feel, unbeatable comfort and long lasting durability. Latex is a naturally created biodegradable product. It can last up to 25 years, as a sleep surface, before it begins to break down.
Only Latex is made with real all natural foam rubber that is derived from the sap of a rubber tree. It is five times heavier than 1.0 lb. per cubic foot plastic-based polyurethane foam, which is commonly used as a comfort layer on conventional spring mattresses.
Five times more material, equates to less air and thus a much longer useful life as the top comfort layer of your mattress. No conventional spring mattress can duplicate the feel of Latex Rubber. It conforms dynamically to the natural contour of the human body, cradling it in plush comfort.
Latex is a natural hypo-allergenic material that has pin-core holes in it to allow the mattress to breathe. For people that like an even cooler mattress you can add a layer of iFoam under the Latex. The micro-capsules in the iFoam maintain a constant temperature in your sleep surface. Natural Latex is also good for allergy sufferers as it does not attract dust-mites like conventional spring mattresses that are made with cotton felt inside.
I would love to hear your thoughts about what your experiences have been like with Latex Mattresses. Did you know what you were getting into? What have you heard from others about what sleep surface has worked best for them? Thank you for reading and for sharing.
Sleep Better to Live Better…
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your sleep!
Keywords: all natural latex foam rubber, hybrid latex, spring mattress construction, ifoam
Koosh is the Best High Resiliency Foam for Sitting or Sleeping
At FOAMITE, we have created Koosh Natural, an alternative range of foam for sitting or sleeping, using more eco-friendly materials and processes. Koosh Natural is made with part soy-bean oil that has been used to replace some of the petrochemicals that are commonly used to make flexible polyurethane foam.
Additionally, our eco-friendly recycling and upcycling processes mean Koosh is a zero-waste product. All Koosh offcuts are used to create other products like our Foma Goma Loungers. The overall production of Koosh is a more energy efficient process that reduces its carbon footprint compared to its counterparts.
Koosh Natural is the World’s First Soy-based High Resiliency foam. It is a premium high density and high resiliency foam that has been used in a number of commercial applications because it provides the best comfort, support and durability. Not only does it maintain its shape and firmness much longer than conventional polyurethane grades it does not off-gas and it is certified pure.
All Foam is not Created Equal
Foam has become such a widely used material because it provides a unique combination of form and function. It’s light, quiet, resists mildew, and won’t aggravate common allergies. With the right equipment, foam can easily be cut or molded to almost any shape. At the same time, foam can be made to provide very supple or very firm cushioning for any given application. Even though two foams may look the same, they may feel and perform entirely different.
Key Ingredients to all Foam Applications
Although a number of different measurements and tests may be used to choose what foam to use in any given application, almost any selection task has to do with one or all of the following three elements as its final goal.
1. Support: The foam has to be able to support each person’s individual weight. 2. Comfort: Foam cushioning has to feel good to the user and provide comfortable use. 3. Durability: The foam has to hold up through use without losing its original properties.
These are the basic benefits that foam cushioning provides, and if the needs in each of these three areas are evaluated first, selecting the proper foam for a given use becomes fairly simple. A sofa seat cushion has to have good support, comfort, and durability. While the arm and back cushions for the same sofa need to last and be comfortable, but will not necessarily be required to support much weight. The foam used to line the case of a video camera needs to support its weight and hold up through use, but the camera cares nothing about comfort.
The Importance of a Good Piece of Foam
1. New developments in foam, have made foam the fastest growing sleep surface. 2. Foam is the key comfort ingredient used on all mattresses. 3. The right firmness of foam helps to relieve pressure points. 4. The layering of different grades of foam gives you proper posturizing and maintains your spine in its natural alignment. 5. Foam is non-allergenic, dust mite free and recommended by doctors all over the world. 6. Consumers don’t really know what to buy. Educated consumers go directly to manufacturers (like FOAMITE) to provide them with better quality sleep options at a variety of price points.
If you want “Real Comfort” you should view buying a sofa, just like buying a mattress, as a major purchase. In both cases knowledge is power and that alone will determine how comfortable you will be (for how long). It will also ensure that you get the best value for your money.
Start every day with a good night’s sleep…
R.C. (Bob) Dimas
Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your comfort time!