A lot of upholstered furniture is not made with the best grades of foam available. Most people do not know that there are that many different grades because furniture makers don't take the time to educate them properly. What's inside the cover matters and plays a very integral part to your long term comfort and to the overall look of the furniture. The foam used is as important to your couch as the foundation is to your house and they both support the pretty things that go on top. However, since it is not visible there is a lot of room for substitution of lower quality materials. Don't let this happen to you.

Have you checked your mattress lately? If you are waking up tired, now may be a good time to do so. If you need a new one make sure that you don't fall for things that make others more money but that don't necessarily help you "sleep better". What's Inside matters and you should buy your next mattress from the inside out. Stop waking up tired and miserable. Start every day with a good night's sleep. If you start out happy, then staying happy will be much easier. Here is a summary of some of the Biggest Myths you should know about when it's time to buy a new mattress...

You start to yawn, you think it's coming, a good night's sleep would be stunning, another sleepless night, no relief in sight, sleeping in a Winter Wonderland! Happy Holidays Everyone. Remember, to be the best that you can be, over the Holidays, by maintaining a proper rest and sleep schedule! If you get some time off then give yourself the gift of rest and relaxation. Lay down by the fire, on the couch, stay in bed longer, have an afternoon nap and don't stress about anything in your warm and cozy home. If you do it right, you will enjoy the Holidays more and it will benefit you and everyone around you.

Have you had an afternoon nap lately? You know you want to; especially, after a time change. It's not a sign of being lazy, in fact, it's in your body's chemistry. Tomorrow is ‘National Nap Day', why not try a nap in the afternoon. You may like it and it's good for you. It's time to bring back the nap! We do it - check out our Relaxation Room. If you don't get enough good sleep throughout the night, you will be cranky, have trouble concentrating, tend to overeat and you are more likely to make mistakes.

It is that time of year when days become shorter and nights become longer. And of course, since we are in the sleep business, this is the time of year we like playing, "Thank the Lord for the night time", by Neil Diamond. We too, thank the lord for the night time to forget the day.

We call them consumers, but they should be researchers, too. In fact, a Better Sleep Council survey in 2020 found that, on average, people consult three to four sources before they make a mattress purchase. Some people just base their purchase on the price alone and believe it or not this sword can cut both ways.

Thanksgiving is here and once again we will see pictures of turkeys and talk about talk about "tryptophan". What is the origin of this word And does it always lead to a trip to the couch? Is it really the turkey (alone) that makes you feel so tired after this big festive meal? So many questions to ponder as you lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling.

We have been supplying dormitory mattresses to Universities for the past 33 years and we can honestly tell you, from experience, that 100% of first year university students should go to their new dorm rooms with a comfortable 2 or 3-inch mattress topper under one arm. One University "Request for Quote" asked for 800 mattresses that were frim enough to support a 300 pound student. This is only one of the many reasons why they think it is better to buy uncomfortable and firmer mattresses.

If you want to buy something good to sit or sleep on, you should know that all foam is not the same although it may look that way.

That's what Real Comfort is like. You may think that you are sleeping well now, but you don't know what it's like until you sleep on a mattress that was made specifically for you, using the best and most natural comfort ingredients, at a great factory direct price.

Are you waking up stiff and tired every morning? If you are then chances are you need a new mattress. Don't use the stress of everyday life and the Holiday rush as an excuse. Your mattress may not be doing its job and instead of waking up recharged and refreshed you feel like laying around for another hour or two. The biggest complaint that we hear in our showroom is that, "my 20-year mattress has only lasted 4 years". You can get the best sleep of your life by sleeping on Real comfort ingredients!

In outdoor cushioning applications your seat or laying surface require a cushion that will withstand rigorous use wet or dry. Qik-Dri is ideal for outdoor furniture, golf carts, boat cushions, pool bed loungers, the bottom of boat mattresses and other cushioned surfaces that are exposed to the elements. The type of foam you decide to go with for your outdoor use depends on: what the cushions will be covered with (outdoor or regular fabric), whether or not they will be covered by an awning or overhang and whether they will be left outside or brought in when it looks like rain.