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Non-Absorbent Outdoor Foam for Patio Cushions

Hey, what time is it? It’s summertime baby! And what do we do in the summertime? All kinds of things, but my favourite is sitting around a pool or a camp fire, with a tea in my hand, and talking with friends or family all day or all night long.

There are thousands of different varieties of teas available in the world and they only vary by the region that they are grown, the time of year they are picked, and the processing method that they go through.

The point is if there are so many varieties of tea, so why do so many people still think that there is only one type of foam and that it is all the same? We carry 45 Grades of foam but there are many more. People mainly use foam for sleep and comfort. However, if you don’t take the time to educate yourself a little about the different grades of foam you may be buying or getting foam that is the wrong type, quality or price.

Relax, We Can Help

We supply foam to a company that custom makes outdoor cushions and sells them online. They have decided to go with a 1.8 pound density. They offer it in two different compressions (medium and firm) depending on the customer’s preference.

Another company that we supply foam to makes outdoor patio seat cushions for a large department store. They use the 1.3 pound density in the medium firm compression. They buy much larger volumes of the same size and they use the lighter weight foam to keep the price down.

Both of these grades are polyurethane grades. They absorb water, when it rains or if they were to fall into the pool. They are not mold or mildew resistant if you are using them for a boat mattress or a cottage mattress that sits in a cottage that is not heated year round. In applications such as this you should go with the Koosh Natural High Resiliency foam or the Qik-Dri outdoor foam.

The Koosh Natural (KN line) is the most natural and it is mold and mildew resistant. It is a 2.5 pound density and it is available in seven different compressions – from soft to extra x-firm.

The Qik-Dri (QD Line) is the best and most porous foam used in outdoor applications. However, it is only a 1.8 pound density. It is lighter than the Koosh Natural. This means that it will not last as long before its starts to sag and lose its shape. It is available in two compressions – QD30 (Medium) and the QD50 (Firm). It is more expensive than the Koosh Natural because of its open cell construction and water flow characteristics.

The grade you decide to go with for your outdoor use depends on:

  • What the cushions will be covered with – regular or outdoor fabric.
  • Whether or not they will be left totally outdoors or covered by an awning or overhang.
  • Whether they will be left outside or brought in when it looks like rain.

Final Word

In outdoor cushioning applications your products require a cushion that will withstand rigorous use wet or dry. Qik-Dri is ideal for outdoor furniture, golf carts, boat cushions, the bottom of boat mattresses (to dissipate heat and moisture) and other cushioned surfaces that are exposed to the elements.

Don’t let the weather ruin your outdoor comfort time.


R.C. (Bob) Dimas

Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your rest and relaxation time!

Picture of R.C. (Bob) Dimas

R.C. (Bob) Dimas

Bob has been in the comfort business, as the founder and CEO of Foamite, since 1988. Foamite is a foam and mattress manufacturer that is located in Toronto with its head office factory location in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. Foam, sleep and comfort can be very technical, scientific and complicated but it does not have to be that way. Let us break it down for you and help you choose the right foam grades for your sitting or sleeping requirements. Thank you for reading. Now, let us make your bed.

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