Neck pain is a common complaint that we hear from people that are shopping for pillows. Neck muscles can be strained from poor posture throughout the day and then its usually the pillow that gets blamed for most of people’s neck problems. Here is what you can do to exercise your neck and to prevent neck and shoulder pain.
Our Wellness Wedge is like a toothbrush for spinal hygiene. If you use it just 10 to 15 minutes a day it will keep the ligaments in your neck loose, improve nerve flow function and help to correct any posture problems. I have one under the couch in our family room. I use it nightly and I can feel the difference when I don’t.
How many hours do you spend watching monitors each day? Do you go from your desktop to your laptop, to your tablet, to your television and sit there, in the same position, with bad posture?
Two out of three of us will have neck pain at some time in our lives. In most cases, it is not due to a serious disease or medical problems and often the exact cause for the pain is not clear. This is called ‘nonspecific neck pain’. Most are probably due to minor sprains or bad posture. The best advice to avoid acute or chronic neck pain is to keep the neck active during the day and to stretch it on a daily basis to prevent stiffness and nerve blockage.
You can reach for more painkillers or you can do something naturally to help curb neck or shoulder pain and to maintain proper spine alignment.
What are the types and causes of neck pain?
Neck pain is common. About 2 in 3 people develop some type of neck pain at some time in their lives. In a recent Canadian Study, of 45 to 75 year-olds, they discovered that 1 in 4 women and about 1 in 5 men were currently experiencing neck pain.
Nonspecific neck pain is the most common type. Often the exact cause or origin of the pain is not known. It may include minor strains and sprains to muscles or ligaments in the neck. Bad posture may also be a contributing factor in some cases. For example, neck pain is more common in people who spend much of their working day at a desk, with a ‘bent-forward’ posture.
What are the treatments for nonspecific neck pain?
Exercise your neck and keep active. Aim to keep your neck moving as normally as possible. At first, the pain may be quite bad and you may need to rest for a day or so. However, gently exercise the neck as soon as you are able.
Use a Wellness Wedge on a daily basis so your neck does not ‘stiffen up’. If your neck is sore or stiff, gradually try to increase the range of the neck movements. Every few hours gently move the neck in each direction. Do this several times a day. As far as possible, continue with normal activities. You will not cause damage to your neck by moving it.
A firm supportive pillow also helps when sleeping. Try not to use more than one pillow.
The correct way to sleep is without a crease in your neck. This will help to prevent neck pain. The spine in your upper back remains level with the cervical spine in your neck for ideal support. There is no skin crease and the pillow is tucked into the shoulder to maintain natural spine alignment.
Final Word
Treatment may vary and you should go back to see a doctor: If the pain becomes worse. If the pain persists beyond 4-6 weeks. If other symptoms develop such as loss of feeling, numbness, weakness, or persistent pins and needles in the upper part of your arm.
You should also know that neck pain is sometimes associated with anxiety and depression. This too requires treatment by a medical healthcare professional.
Invest in a Wellness Wedge and a Good Pillow to avoid neck pain and to Sleep Better
Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve your sleep!
R.C. (Bob) Dimas