NorthStar Blue Cover
This cover is light blue in colour and has a darker navy and light blue diamond design. It is a bi-elastic cover that stretches in every direction. It is widely used in Europe and due to its stretchy nature works best with the visco-elastic memory foam; especially, the ones that are made with a Neogel topper or with our cool Koosh ViscoGel.
The NorthStar mattress cover is highly permeable by air and has a high heat-regulating capacity, making ideal for superior air circulation and a cooler sleep. It is made with a fabric that offers unique and fast drying properties. It is similar in nature to Dacron fabric which has been used in dry-fit sports clothing but is considerably less expensive because it does not carry the Dacron name.

is available in
quilted fabric
as shown above
or unquilted
for memory foam
mattresses as
shown on the right