Ergocheck Testing
Choosing the Right Mattress... Using the Latest Sleep Technology!
Your Mattress. Your Way. On Your Side.
You spend about one third of your life in bed, so it is vitally important that the mattress you choose is right for you. The majority of people sleep on a mattress that is either too soft or too firm (Request a Sleep Analysis).
By using our Ergocheck Technology we can help you to determine your correct firmness. This scientific testing uses a specially designed pad with hundreds of individual sensors that actually measure the physical pressure between the body and a specific mattress. Pressure areas registering above certain levels (indicated by the different colours - navy blue, green, yellow and red) can actually shut off capillary blood flow, causing muscle ache, tossing, turning and other sleep related discomforts.
Sleep is actually a science... its quality can be measured.
Ergocheck pressure testing was predominately used in hospital applications. For years we have used it to help you choose the right firmness for your mattress.
As you can see from the two test results shown on the right a properly configured Foamite mattress distributes pressure more evenly than a conventional spring mattress - especially one that has lost its top layer of comfort.
Spring mattress manufacturers know about this technology but have chosen to ignore it because they cannot make the same mattress with two different compressions like we can. If you sleep with a partner that weighs more or less than you, chances are you need a different firmness in order to sleep right. By simply changing the firmness of the core on each side of the bed, we can give both of you the right firmness for your weight, back condition and preference.
If you change your mind within the first 60 days, we can re-work your mattress to give you something completely different than what you originally ordered. All our mattress covers are made with zippers that will allow us to easily change your core.
What is Orthopaedic?
Orthopaedic is the most over used word in the mattress business. Most people think that Orthopaedic means a hard sleep surface. Although a hard mattress is good for your lower back, it is not necessarily the best thing for pressure points in your shoulders and hips.
At Foamite, we believe that an Orthopaedic mattress is one that has a good quality long lasting topper that allows you to sink into the mattress and a firmer core that stops you from sinking too deep and keeps your spine in its natural alignment (see Design Your Own).

"68% of people sleep on a mattress that is the wrong firmness!"
Conventional Spring Mattress

Spring mattresses are firm and made with low density foam toppers that sag prematurely and create pressure points.
Properly Configured Foamite Mattress

Ergonomically designed for your weight, preference and lower back condition. Have it your way on your side.