Foam Questions

1. What does the foam's Density refer to and why is it important?
Density, in pounds per cubic feet, is found by weighing a 12" cube of foam. Higher density foams will be more resilient and durable than lower density foams. Two foams may feel similar if they have the same compression or ILD, but there is no doubt the higher density foam will last longer before sagging.
2. What is ILD?
ILD stands for Indentation Load Deflection, and by knowing the ILD you can tell how firm the foam is. The ILD tells you how many pounds per cubic foot it takes to compress a 4" sample by 25% of its overall thickness. The lower the ILD the softer the foam, the higher the ILD, or the last two numbers of the grade's part number, the firmer the foam. Foams with similar ILD's will feel similar even if their density is different.
3. Why does foam turn yellow when it ages?
All foam oxidizes and will turn yellow when it ages. Just like when a penny becomes darker over time. This is a completely natural process that the foam goes through and in no way impairs the effectiveness of the foam.
4. Will memory foam get firmer in colder temperatures?
Yes, memory foam is a temperature sensitive material. Memory Foam is the only grade of foam where firmness is affected by room temperature. If the memory foam is used in a room that is colder than 60 degrees it will feel firmer, but will soften up when the body heats the foam during sleep.
5. Can the difference between the various densities of Memory Foam be felt, and if it can, why are the higher density foams better?
The main differences are in price and performance. Higher density memory foam equates to higher performance at a higher price. Lower density memory foam is still good for some pressure relief at a lower price. However, a denser Memory Foam will give you get more support and conform to your body more. Higher density memory foams are designed for premium mattresses and a longer comfort life.
Foam Facts
- The heavier the foam, the longer it will last before sagging
- The firmness of the foam does not determine its longevity
- Polyurethane foam is plastic based and will soften up with use
Koosh Natural Facts
- Koosh is a natural High Resiliency premium foam
- Koosh is certified pure (no off-gasing)
- Koosh is heavier than conventional foams
- Koosh will last longer before sagging
- Koosh will not soften with use after initial crushing
6. Are all foams fire retardant?
All foam is not fire retardant. Our premium grades like NeoCell, Koosh® and Qualux all comply with the California 117 fire specification requirements. The CAL 117 fire spec is the most stringent fire retardant requirement for foam. It is mandatory for hospitals, hotels and other commercial applications. It costs a little more to produce but we believe it should be mandatory for all bedding and furniture applications.
7. Does firmer foam last longer than softer foam?
Most people seem to think that firmer foam will not sag as fast as softer foam. However, this is not necessarily true. To a large degree the density of the foam (its weight) is more important than its compression or firmness when it comes to determining foam's durability. In other words, light firm foam will not last as long as a heavy soft foam.
8. What is high density foam?
High Density foam is the most overused term in the foam business. Some people use it to refer to firmer foamwhile others use it to refer to better quality foam. However, twenty of our forty grades can be classified as high density. High density should mean heavier foam that will last longer. With our help, you decide how long you want your foam to last then we can determine how firm you would like it. It is not that difficult. That is why we recommend that you come into one of our showrooms and feel the difference.