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Fake vs. Real Comfort for Sitting or Sleeping

On June 3, we celebrated our 35th Business Anniversary. If there is one thing that we have learned over the past 35 years, it is that there is a big difference between Fake and Real Comfort.

In marketing they teach salespeople to sell the sizzle and not the steak. This means that one should be selling the benefits of their product instead of the features, or selling people what they want as opposed to what they need. People want comfort but they really need to understand what they need to buy to make that comfort, and support, last longer.

According to Bedding Industry experts, “…consumers don’t really know what to look for in sleep products. Instead, they buy what is sold to them by retail salespeople”. If you want to avoid the pitfalls of foam and mattress shopping, and a bad sitting or sleeping experience, you should go to a sleep products manufacturer like FOAMITE.

FOAMITE is a foam and mattress manufacturer. They know foam and they know comfort. You should know that foam is the key comfort ingredient used in all mattresses. And if you want to buy a good mattress, you should get to know your foam first because not all foam is created equal.

Have you looked inside a mattress lately?

Spring Mattress technology was patented in 1865 and not much has changed since then. The lightweight foam and fibre used in a pillow top mattress looks good on the showroom floor but sags prematurely. This is what we call “Fake Comfort”. If you want to read more about that, see mattress problemsSpring Mattress technology was patented in 1865 and not much has changed since then. The lightweight foam and fibre used in a pillow top mattress looks good on the showroom floor but sags prematurely. This is what we call “Fake Comfort”. If you want to read more about that, see mattress problems.

Now in case you think we are putting down spring mattresses so we can sell against them, you should know that we are not. As a matter of fact, we don’t like selling things; instead, we like to educate people so they can buy good value at a better factory direct price. We make better mattresses because we use better foam.

Full Foam Mattress

Believe it or not, you can also experience fake comfort on a full foam mattress if you don’t buy the right grades of foam in your topper, core, and firm edges. The problem with foam mattresses sold in mattress stores or those that come to you rolled up in a box, is that they are not made with the best grades of foam available.

These mattresses may keep their shape for 10 years, but when they soften with use after 3 years, you quickly find out that the warranty does not cover softening and that this is considered “normal wear”. They will also tell you that, “all foam does that”.

This is not entirely true. All foam does not do that. Commercial high-resiliency foam like Preserve HR and Koosh Natural, do not lose their shape or soften with use as quickly as conventional polyurethane foam grades which are used in regular mattress production.

This is why owners of furniture and mattress manufacturers go to FOAMITE to buy better foam for their personal sofas or mattresses than the grades which they use in their regular production for their customers. You should too!

FOAMITE also offers a program where they can rework full foam mattresses that have failed prematurely or that may require a firmer core or firm border for better edge support. This way people can continue with their mattress, rather than having to throw it out and start all over again. Better for you and the environment.


FOAMITE is the best-kept secret in the GTA for Real Comfort. Real Comfort means using better quality foam, for all your sitting or sleeping requirements, that is guaranteed to last. We are also very transparent, that is why all our mattress covers are made with zippers, so you can look inside and because we have nothing to hide.

FOAMITE, come in and get comfortable, For Real!

Picture of R.C. (Bob) Dimas

R.C. (Bob) Dimas

Bob has been in the comfort business, as the founder and CEO of Foamite, since 1988. Foamite is a foam and mattress manufacturer that is located in Toronto with its head office factory location in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. Foam, sleep and comfort can be very technical, scientific and complicated but it does not have to be that way. Let us break it down for you and help you choose the right foam grades for your sitting or sleeping requirements. Thank you for reading. Now, let us make your bed.

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