In stores and on the Web, there are plenty of mattresses labeled organic natural or eco-friendly but little guidance about what exactly they mean, or what made any one of them better or different from the other or compared to a conventional spring mattresses.
Toxic Chemicals Are Everywhere
Most people don’t realize that most foam is made from petro-chemicals and that foam is on every mattress that you buy.
I think that people need to start paying more attention to what they’re sleeping on. They need to stop going into stores and believing everything that salespeople tell them.
They need to take personal responsibility for their family’s health because nobody is regulating what you or your baby are sleeping on and all foam is not created equal.
Consumers don’t really know what to look for in sleep products. They will buy what they are sold. Therefore, the onus for better and more natural sleep lies with the sleep products manufacturers, like Foamite, to educate people and to supply them with the best and most natural options available.
A consumer can only hope, when shopping for a crib mattress or any mattress, that they deal with salespeople who are open and very candid. However, most salespeople earn a living by selling things. Thanks, Mr. Obvious. What I mean to say is that if they don’t have a particular product they will pick one, amongst those that they do have, and call it the best.
As a manufacturer, we sell organic crib mattresses with 100% natural latex that are covered with a certified organic cotton ticking. But we also sell mattresses with polyurethane foam that are made with fire retardants, for a lot less. We don’t hide the fact that it’s a poly-foam, and that it off-gasses. We give you all the options that are available in stores, at a lower factory direct price, and then we let you decide what combination or level of natural is right for you.
We would rather sell organic crib mattresses to everyone. They are better for you and the environment. However, most people cannot afford organic; especially, if it is the real McCoy and they buy it from a retail store – with outrageous mark-ups. And of course as you become more green, it becomes more expensive.
Final Word
You don’t have to be rich for your new-born baby to sleep soundly on a truly natural mattress that is certified-pure and free of any harmful chemicals and substances.
For $269, you can buy a crib mattress, factory direct from Foamite, that is made with 100% Natural Latex, a firmer certified-pure Koosh Natural core and an organic bamboo cover. The cover is made with a zipper all around it – so you can look inside.
The same mattress sells in a Baby Boutique downtown for $589. Our least expensive crib mattress is $89. You will pay double that price, for a similar grade of foam, if you bought it in a store.
Sleep better to live better…
R.C. (Bob) Dimas