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Other BioFoams

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SoyBased Hybrid BioFoams

If you could pull up to a gas pump to order comfort, our comfort station would offer a much wider selection of options than most other stations.

Not only can you choose from one of our conventional grades, but you can also now choose from our various BioFoam grades. Our exclusive brands of: Ecocell, NeoCell HD, Preserve HR (Premium) or Koosh Natural (Premium+).

Ecocell Foam

Ecocell has some soy content. NeoCell has more. Our Premium Preserve HR and Koosh Natural have the most soy content of any foam in the marketplace today. They are also certified pure which means no off-gassing.

Ecocell is a high-density foam that outperforms the conventional lighter-weight polyurethane grades that are made with petrochemicals. NeoCell HD, Preserve HR, and Koosh Natural, High Resiliency grades, are heavier than Ecocell and they also outperform polyurethane grades in both height loss and firmness retention.

Neocell Foam

High Resiliency grades possess unique memory-enhancing properties to resist uneven wear and deliver superior spring back. They are heavier than conventional polyurethane foam with a minimum density of 2.5 pounds per cubic foot.

All you feel is luxurious long-lasting comfort. The denser (heavier weight) and the high resiliency cell structure create a more supportive, resilient and comfortable seat cushion or full foam layered mattress. Independent lab testing confirms their superior performance over conventional polyurethane grades (see Koosh Natural).

Ecocell is a high-density foam that outperforms the conventional lighter-weight polyurethane grades that are made with petrochemicals. NeoCell HD, Preserve HR, and Koosh Natural, High Resiliency grades, are heavier than Ecocell and they also outperform polyurethane grades in both height loss and firmness retention.

Preserve High reliance Foam grade

Ecocell is a high-density foam that outperforms the conventional lighter-weight polyurethane grades that are made with petrochemicals. NeoCell HD, Preserve HR, and Koosh Natural, High Resiliency grades, are heavier than Ecocell and they also outperform polyurethane grades in both height loss and firmness retention.

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