Koosh ViscoGel
Natural Memory Foam with Swirls of Cool Gel
It's like sleeping with open windows for cooler comfort
For the past several years, memory foams have been the hottest material in premium bedding - in more ways than one. Memory foams have the ability to conform to personal body shapes providing customized comfort just where you need it. However, many people find that memory foams trap body heat, making them uncomfortably warm to sleep on.
Now, thanks to Koosh ViscoGel (VG), you no longer have to choose between luxurious shape-conforming comfort and a comfortably cool sleep experience.
Put the Koosh VG advantage to work for you
Koosh VG also provides top-of-the-line comfort and support and Koosh VG comfort is made to last a long, long time. Testing shows that even after extensive use, Koosh VG will retain virtually the same properties that make it so luxuriously comfortable to begin with.
Koosh VG is a state-of-the-art visco memory foam that is combined with cooling gel in one bio-based foam. Some like it cool! Koosh VG is the only bio-based visco foam that incorporates a special gel for a cooler night's sleep.
It is cooler to the touch and allows air to flow through the material far more freely than it can through other memory foams - up to eight times more freely. That moving air carries away excess heat and moisture, making Koosh VG an exceptionally comfortable sleep surface.
So, if you want the luxurious, shape-conforming comfort of a memory foam without the excess heat build-up, look for the Koosh VG foam in your mattress. With Koosh VG you are certain to stay always cool and always comfortable! See how it is used in our NeoGel Mattress.
Always Cool. Always Comfortable.
- Koosh VG is a natural memory foam that is made with with more natural content than traditional visco-elastic foam
- Koosh VG is up to 8 times cooler than conventional memory foam
- Koosh VG provides a better support factor (sag) than other lighter grades of Visco elastic foam

More Natural. More Durable.
- Koosh VG reduces maximum stress on key pressure points by more than half compared to an innerspring mattress
- Koosh VG provides a consistent cell structure with no airflow-impeding films
- Retains 99% of original height after 25,000 cycles of 80% compression
Add the Koosh VG advantage to your premium sleep system:
- Superior cell structure - dissipates heat up to 10 times faster than traditional grades of memory foam
- Exceptionally durable - retains performance advantages for years
- Environmentally friendly VPF production technology assures superior product quality and consistency
- Unrivalled product support and design assistance