Many studies have shown that utilizing full-foam mattresses in nursing homes is better than innerspring cores for the prevention of uncomfortable pressure points and bedsores. Bedsores are very uncomfortable and can lead to infection and hospitalization. Many homes have still not made the switch and some of those that have are paying higher prices, from Distributors, for inferior quality. If you have an elderly parent that is in a home you should know about this. Here is an example of what ‘Not to Buy' and what you need to know if you are looking for new mattresses for a loved one...

You spend a third of your life in bed. Yet many people do not realize the impact that this seemingly passive activity has on their backs and overall well being. What you sleep on and how you sleep has a tremendous affect on how you look and feel the day after. Stop waking up looking and feeling tired. Start every day with a good night's sleep on a properly configured mattress. Mattress shopping can be very confusing and a big hassle but it doesn't have to be that way. Instead of going from store to store why not go to a manufacturer that can educate you and show you all the possible combinations that are available in the marketplace.

Getting in sync with your body's natural sleep/wake cycle is the key to good sleep. You will feel more refreshed and energized.
Having regular sleep and wake times each day, even on weekends, will help condition your body's natural sleep/wake cycle. If you tend to stay up later on weekends, make sure you still try to wake up at your regular time or at most an hour later. You can always make up for lost sleep with a short nap. If you're getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm. If you do, then it could be a sign that you are not getting enough sleep, perhaps you need to start sleeping earlier.

Have you checked your mattress lately? This is a good month to do it. And if you need a new one don't buy a mattress like one of these guys. Don't be fooled by the cover or cheap price –#whatsINSIDEmatters! Here is a summary of some of the Biggest Myths you should know about, when it's time to buy a new mattress...

Landfills are full of piles of old mattresses that take forever to decompose. If anything the problem is getting even worse with a flood of cheaply made spring mattreses that only last 3 to 4 years. It doesn't have to be that way. Our sustainability goal is to only use the right kind of raw materials, to create the things we truly need and ensure that they will last. Our mattresses are so well made that they truly last longer. And once you are done with it and throw it into a landfill it will biodegrade within 6 to 8 years.

Do you worry when you can't sleep well? Most people that understand and appreciate the importance of a good night's sleep do. However, if you are one of those people that think they have insomnia, you should know that worrying about insomnia will hurt you far more than the insomnia. Learn how to calm yourself, talk yourself to sleep, so that you can recharge your batteries and be the best that you can be the day after. Start every day with a good night's sleep!

An old customer of ours used to say, "You don't know what you don't know until you have a problem and then you need to know it!" How does this relate to Latex Mattresses? Well, you can do your homework and ask a lot of questions up front to make sure that you are getting the best value for your money or you can assume that which isn't true, make a quick decision and then pay for it later by sleeping on a lumpy sagging mattress within a short period of time - #whatsINSIDEmatters!

If you come in to see us, we will educate you like no other mattress retailer will or can. And then we will leave it up to you to choose the foam or mattress that is best for your application and budget. As a manufacturer we have supplied mattress makers with foam. You would be surprised with what some put in a mattress cover and then sew it shut so that you can't look inside. When we started in the mattress business, we decided that we wanted to be different than all the other mattress makers out there.

We are closed for the Holidays from December 24th to January 4, 2015. Sorry, but we do not do Boxing Week Sales. We don't believe in them and you don't need them to get the best possible price for a good mattress. We are more than a mattress store. We are a manufacturer and we are comfort and sleep experts. Our custom mattresses, that are made specifically for you, are always on sale compared to those that sell in stores. Happy Holidays everyone and to all a good night!

Buy a good mattress and a good bra because when you take one off, you are laying on the other. Think about it. They both support you and are intended to make you feel more comfortable, so why not take the time to do it right. Most women have a bad-fiiting bra that they only wear when the other ones are in the wash. Too bad you can't change your mattress as easily or as inexpensively as you can change your bra. Actually if you can buy the best and most natural comfort ingredients at a great factory direct price and bring the mattress back to change it as often as you want. Foamite - far from ordinary!

Make sure that you buy a Fireshield Barrier for your mattress. It's a no brainer when you think about it. In the United States, a day does not go by without someone dying in a mattress-related bedroom fire. It is also a common occurence in Canada. And in case you think its from somebody smoking in bed, think again. The majority of people that die, in bedroom mattress fires, are children. In terms of safety, the issue of fire resistant mattresses is equally as important to mattresses as airbags were to automobiles ten years ago.