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Category Articles

Easy Ways to Stop Snoring for a Better Sleep

While it's easy to make jokes about someone's window-rattling, dog-howling, air-raid siren snores, the truth is that chronic snoring affects up to 45% of the adult population, and can be the cause of a host of physical and emotional problems. No matter how much you love each other, snoring can put a strain on your relationship. If you're the one lying awake at night as your partner snores away, it's easy to start feeling resentful. And if you're the snorer, you may feel helpless, guilty, or even irritated with your partner for harping on something you can't consciously control. Keep reading to learn how to diagnose the causes of your snoring and plan for a cure.

How to Prevent Neck and Shoulder Pain

We got your back. Now its time for us to move a little higher up and give you some tips on what you can do to prevent neck and shoulder pain - both during the day and at night. Two out of three of us will have neck pain at some time in our lives. In most cases it is not due to a serious disease or medical problems; instead, it is related to bad posture and minor strains to muscles or ligaments in the neck. Full recovery occurs in most cases. The best advice to avoid acute or chronic neck pain is to stretch the neck area on a daily basis and to use a good therapeutic pillow at night to maintian proper spine alignmnet.

How to Sleep Better on a Cold Night

It sure is cold outside and my feet remind me every chance they get. Recently I have been sleeping much better because I have started wearing warm wooly socks to bed. It could be my height and the blood not being able to flow to my feet fast enough to keep them warm or my Mediterranean blood cells that are not used to below zero temperatures. I don't what it is, but my feet feel winter coming long before it is actually here. However, recently I have been sleeping much better because I have started wearing warm wooly socks to bed. It really helps. If you have cold feet, like I do, you should try this Better Sleep Tip.

Cool Custom Memory Foam Mattress

Is it possible to have a custom memory foam mattress with cooling properties that both relieves pressure points and gives you proper support that maintains your spine in its natural alignment? Before I answer that, let me say this...

How Often You Should Replace Your Mattress

Are you waking up stiff and tired every morning? If you are then chances are you need a new mattress. Don't use the stress of everyday life and the Holiday rush as an excuse. Your mattress may not be doing its job and instead of waking up recharged and refreshed you feel like laying around for another hour or two. The biggest complaint that we hear in our showroom is that, "my 20-year mattress has only lasted 4 years". You can get the best sleep of your life by sleeping on Real comfort ingredients!

When to Replace Your Sofa Cushions

Comfortable on Sofa
An overwhelming majority of people are spending more time at home to stay safe and to protect others from contracting COVID-19. As you spend more time on your couch, than usual, I would like to provide you with some information on when to replace your sofa cushions. They may no longer support you or give you the comfort that you so desperately seek during these difficult and uncomfortable times.

Shelter in Place? Might As Well Be Comfortable!

Family Sitting On Sofa At Home Watching TV Together
Who saw this coming and God only knows how long it will last. Thanks to Covid-19, we are all spending more time at home. And more time sitting on our upholstered furniture or in bed glued to the television to see what happened today and what might happen next. I hope that`s not just me. Did you see all those spring-breakers on Clearwater beach? What were they thinking? According to a Dutch proverb, “We grow too soon old and too late smart!”

All Latex Rubber Mattresses Are Not Created Equal

An old customer of ours used to say, "You don't know what you don't know, until you have a problem and then you need to know it!" How does this relate to Latex Mattresses? Well, it's like this. You can ask a lot of questions up front to make sure that you are getting the best value for your money or you can lay awake at night, from sleeping on a lumpy mattress, and eventually pay for another one sooner than you thought you would. Once you make a decision it would also be nice if you could look inside your mattress to make sure that you received exactly what you thought you were getting.

Koosh is the Best High Resiliency Foam for Sitting or Sleeping

Foam is the the key comfort ingredient used in the most comfortable sitting or sleeping applications. If you want to be comfortable, for the rest of your life, then you should pay a little more attention to the type of foam you are sitting or sleeping on. All foam is not created equal. We carry 45 different grades. Most conventional grades that are commonly used do not give you the comfort, support or durability that yo can get from Koosh Natural. Come in and feel the difference. Come in and get Comfortable, for real!

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