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Boat Mattresses and Custom Replacement Boat Cushions

When it comes to boat mattresses and custom replacement boat cushions, we have discovered that there are two types of people. Some people think, well it’s only a boat, and I am only there for the weekend, so give me something as cheap as possible. No problem, we can do that.

Meanwhile, others seem to think, Well since I am going up north to relax, make me a nice mattress that will give me the best comfort and support as possible. After all, I don’t want to come back from a long weekend with an aching back.

Friends on Boat Matt

What’s The Price of a Good Boat Mattress?

It’s a personal thing and with over  45 different grades of foam, that can be cut to any shape or size, we can make you a boat mattress at a number of different price points. As a foam and mattress manufacturer, we can give you the best selection and quality at the lowest price.

Foamite has over 30 years of experience in designing the best V-Berth or custom boat mattresses available in today’s marketplace. All you have to do is bring in your old mattress or a pattern and we will walk you through your options and make you the best natural mattress at a great factory direct price.

Things You Need to Know

1. How to Prepare a Pattern
Most custom shapes do not require a pattern but if yours does, making a pattern does not need to be intimidating or complicated. Using cardboard, fabric or newspaper, that is taped together, simply trace the outline of your boat and cut the pattern. Make your pattern the exact size you require. Please indicate on your pattern which sides should be used for zipper placement. Keep in mind that most mattress covers work best with a long 3-sided zipper.

2. Beveled Edges
Many V-Berth mattresses have angled sides that take the shape of the boat’s sloped walls. In order to get the angle right, we need the old mattress as a sample or the mattress cover. It can be used as a pattern to cut the angles. If you have neither, then you will need to figure out the overall maximum width, at the desired thickness, of the new mattress.

Boat mattress example

3. Multi-Layered
A boat mattress is often restricted to between 4 and 8 in thickness. In some cases, it must serve dual purposes for sitting and sleeping. Therefore, the best performing mattress, that will provide you with both soft comfort and firm deep down support, is a layered mattress.

4. Soft Topper
You need a soft topper that is at least 2 or 3 thick. This will give you comfort by contouring to your body’s curves.

5. Firmer Core
The firm core supports your weight and maintains your spine in its natural alignment. How firm you go depends on your weight, preference and back condition.

6. Qik-Dri Base Layer
Boat interiors are frequently moist. This moisture gets trapped between your mattress and the boards below. To help avoid problems with mold or mildew you should add a 1 layer of our Qik-Dri Outdoor foam on the bottom of your mattress. It is very porous and it will help to dissipate heat and moisture much better than conventional foam.

Outdoor foam sample with v-berth mattress

Final Word

If you value your relaxation time and you want to a have comfortable night’s sleep, when you are away from home, then you should come in to see us for a custom boat mattress. 

Rest Better to Live Better


R.C. (Bob) Dimas

Be the best that you can be by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your sleep!

Picture of R.C. (Bob) Dimas

R.C. (Bob) Dimas

Bob has been in the comfort business, as the founder and CEO of Foamite, since 1988. Foamite is a foam and mattress manufacturer that is located in Toronto with its head office factory location in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. Foam, sleep and comfort can be very technical, scientific and complicated but it does not have to be that way. Let us break it down for you and help you choose the right foam grades for your sitting or sleeping requirements. Thank you for reading. Now, let us make your bed.

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