Spring is coming! Get those patio cushions out or order a hand-made mattress for your boat or RV today!

Spring is coming! Get those patio cushions out or order a hand-made mattress for your boat or RV today!


Everything you need to know for comfortable living.
#SleepBetter #SitBetter

Buying a Good Long Lasting Mattress – Fact vs. Fiction

In June I received an email from a frustrated mattress shopper. Here is an excerpt from his email: “I’m looking for a company that has detailed foam information readily available and will share it willingly with its customers, showing transparency. I am not at all impressed by what I have been reading about the big names out there, using lower quality foams and selling these beds at inflated retail prices!” The fact is, he had already fallen for the 20-year mattress that only lasted 4-years and he was sick and tired of paying good money for air (inside a spring mattress).

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Real Organic Mattress for Natural Quality Comfort

Over the past 10 years many mattress companies have tried to capitalize on the use of the word “organic”. However, as a foam manufacturer who supplies foam to mattress makers, we know the games that people play. Sometimes things are not what you think they are and you really don’t know what you don’t know. People that have had bad mattress experiences are our best customers. Come in and educate yourself before you go out to buy your next mattress.

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Cell Phones in the Bedroom are Blamed for Poor Sleep

Happy New Year kids! By the way did you know that late night texting leads to sleep deprivation? Its not your fault and I am not blaming you. I know its the others that are to blame. They just don’t know when to stop and turn it off (lol). Texting before bedtime, when you should be relaxing and getting ready for sleep, will interfere with your “sleep hygiene” and your ability to get into a deep sleep early on in the night.

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How to Sleep Cooler on a Memory Foam Mattress

For the past several years, memory foam has been the hottest material in premium bedding – in more ways than one. You can “sleep cool” on memory foam if you take the time to sweat the details. Do your homework to understand the design and construction of a mattress. It can be made with cooler foam and materials that allow for the best air circulation possible. Here is what you need to know to sleep cool on the best and most natural memory foam mattress.

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Some Serious Statistics About Your Sleep & Health

A study published recently, in the Journal of Sleep, shows that if young adults and teens get to bed too late at night, they are far more likely to become overweight as adults. In fact, the later they get to bed, the greater the chance they will be heavy as adults. Going to sleep late at night appears to be an even more significant factor than the number of hours of sleep for teens and young adults. Weight patterns established between the ages of 14–25 are likely to create a body mass index that will last a lifetime. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control has new statistics on teen sleep that are eye-opening.

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Do You Sleep Much On Your Winter Vacation?

Is sleep important when you go away on vacation? Some people don’t feel comfortable when traveling to places that are too far away or too different. Others focus on how comfortable their surroundings are including the mattress that they had to sleep on. Usually this discussion happens after they finish talking about the weather and what they had to eat and drink. Taking vacations regularly is important, after a few days of not thinking about work can go a long way to recharging your batteries. Here is what you can do to have a more relaxing vacation. #WeKnowComfort #YouNeedComfort

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The Right Foam Mattress for Nursing Homes

Many studies have shown that utilizing full-foam mattresses in nursing homes is better than innerspring cores for the prevention of uncomfortable pressure points and bedsores. Bedsores are very uncomfortable and can lead to infection and hospitalization. Many homes have still not made the switch and some of those that have are paying higher prices, from Distributors, for inferior quality. If you have an elderly parent that is in a home you should know about this. Here is an example of what ‘Not to Buy’ and what you need to know if you are looking for new mattresses for a loved one…

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A Mattress Can Cause or Relieve Back Pain

You spend a third of your life in bed. Yet many people do not realize the impact that this seemingly passive activity has on their backs and overall well being. What you sleep on and how you sleep has a tremendous affect on how you look and feel the day after. Stop waking up looking and feeling tired. Start every day with a good night’s sleep on a properly configured mattress. Mattress shopping can be very confusing and a big hassle but it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of going from store to store why not go to a manufacturer that can educate you and show you all the possible combinations that are available in the marketplace.

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Easy-Tips to Help You Sleep and Feel Better

Getting in sync with your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle is the key to good sleep. You will feel more refreshed and energized.
Having regular sleep and wake times each day, even on weekends, will help condition your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle. If you tend to stay up later on weekends, make sure you still try to wake up at your regular time or at most an hour later. You can always make up for lost sleep with a short nap. If you’re getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm. If you do, then it could be a sign that you are not getting enough sleep, perhaps you need to start sleeping earlier.

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Sleep Your Way to a Healthier and a More Successful Life

Have you checked your mattress lately? This is a good month to do it. And if you need a new one don’t buy a mattress like one of these guys. Don’t be fooled by the cover or cheap price –#whatsINSIDEmatters! Here is a summary of some of the Biggest Myths you should know about, when it’s time to buy a new mattress…

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Biodegradable Mattresses Good For You & The Environment

Landfills are full of piles of old mattresses that take forever to decompose. If anything the problem is getting even worse with a flood of cheaply made spring mattreses that only last 3 to 4 years. It doesn’t have to be that way. Our sustainability goal is to only use the right kind of raw materials, to create the things we truly need and ensure that they will last. Our mattresses are so well made that they truly last longer. And once you are done with it and throw it into a landfill it will biodegrade within 6 to 8 years.

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