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Hey American shoppers! Our prices are in CAD – enjoy ~30% off with the current exchange rate!

A Foamite Holiday Greeting: Comfort & Joy

Dear Valued Customers,

We want to take this time to thank you for choosing FOAMITE for all your comfort needs. May your holidays be filled with happiness, COMFORT, and Joy! May your New Year be filled with health and prosperity for you and all your family members.

To add an extra dash of comfort to your celebrations, please browse through our exclusive Holiday Specials until the end of the year. The perfect gift for people who like comfort and prefer the very best.

Happy Holidays everyone and to all a good night’s sleep!


R.C. (Bob) Dimas

Be the best that you can be over the Holidays and in the New Year by doing whatever is necessary to improve the quality of your sleep!

Picture of R.C. (Bob) Dimas

R.C. (Bob) Dimas

Bob has been in the comfort business, as the founder and CEO of Foamite, since 1988. Foamite is a foam and mattress manufacturer that is located in Toronto with its head office factory location in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. Foam, sleep and comfort can be very technical, scientific and complicated but it does not have to be that way. Let us break it down for you and help you choose the right foam grades for your sitting or sleeping requirements. Thank you for reading. Now, let us make your bed.

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