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12 Common Mattress Buying Myths

Here is a summary of some of the Biggest Myths you should know about when it’s time to buy a new mattress:

Have you checked your mattress lately? This is a good time to do it. And if you need a new one don’t buy a mattress like one of these guys. Don’t be fooled by the cover or price – #whatsINSIDEmatters!


1. Thicker is Better
Thicker is not better.  A thinner 6 or 8-inch mattress made with heavier and more natural comfort ingredients is better than a thicker mattress that is made with more air and fluff. Fluff is what they use in pillow-tops. It gives you the false impression of comfort but it’s not Real Comfort.

2. Firmer is Better
A firm mattress resists rather than conforming to the natural position of your body. Therefore, your body must constantly adjust in order to get comfortable – sometimes as much as 60 to 80 times a night. If you want to sleep better you should buy a layered mattress that allows you to sleep on the mattress, and not on it. Considering that the majority of people sleep on a mattress that is the wrong firmness, it’s no wonder why sleep experts and educated consumers alike are now using Ergocheck Testing, the latest in sleep technology, to determine what firmness is right for you on your side of the bed.

3. A Memory foam mattress is made with all memory foam
Memory foam is very soft. It comes in many different weights or densities but mostly in a super soft compression. It is used in the top 3 or 4 inches of a mattress for comfort. You need something firmer under the memory foam for support. The games begin when mattress makers use lighter, thinner or cheaper filler foams to fill some of the space and to keep the cost down. The cheapest grade of foam, that we carry, is a 1.0 lb foam – see Competitor Foam Mattress Comparison.

4. A one-inch memory foam topper works great on a spring mattress
Memory foam mattresses have been the hottest thing in bedding for the last decade. In order to capitalize on their success, spring mattress makers started putting very little memory foam (1 or 2 inches) on top of their cores (Spring Memory Foam Construction). It doesn’t work. You go right through the memory foam and sleep directly on the harder springs. In order for the memory foam to work properly, it should be layered with other grades of foam that work together as a system.

5. All foam used in mattress making is the same
Foam is the key comfort ingredient used in all mattresses. It is the fastest-growing sleep surface and the number one brand of premium mattresses that are presently sold in many countries throughout Europe and in North America. All foam grades are not created equal (see Foam Grades).

6. All Latex Rubber is 100% Natural
Hybrid Latex is 21% natural rubber that is mixed with 79% polyurethane foam. The sales staff implies natural and some customers assume that it is 100% natural (see The Original All Natural Latex Rubber).

All Natural Latex Rubber

7. Innerspring mattresses are better
Traditional spring mattresses are cheaper to produce and better for the people that are selling them. They make more profit. The original imported cores are one inch thick. When you pop the clips they spring up to eight inches. What do you think the added seven inches is made of? It is mostly air. You are paying for air!

8. The cover is the most important part of the mattress
This is not true but many people make decisions, in mattress stores, based on the look of the cover. The cover is important if it is made with natural ingredients that give you specific health benefits; otherwise, please remember “It’s What’s Inside That Counts!

9. Foam mattresses are hot
No matter what mattress you are sleeping on, you will be sleeping on foam. It is true that some memory foam mattresses are hot but new innovations in the last couple of years using cool gel, air vents in the firm edges, 3D mesh borders and dri-fit fabric for mattress covers have made memory foam mattresses cooler than ever (see Koosh ViscoGel Memory Foam)

10. Foam collapses prematurely
When we used to do Home Shows people that had a bad foam mattress experience used to walk by our booth and say, “I would never sleep on foam, it doesn’t last“. Others that slept on good foam that lasted for 20 years, would give us the thumbs up and say, “I would never sleep on anything else!” Buy your next mattress from the inside out. Buy the best foam you can directly from the factory so that you can get better quality for less.

11. A more expensive mattress is better
Believe it or not, a couple that came into our showroom actually turned to each other and said, “This memory foam mattress can’t be as good as the one we saw at the last store because it is $1,000 less”. Obviously, they did not understand the concept of shopping factory direct and how, if you go to the right source, you can get better quality for less.

12. When it comes to firmness, couples have to compromise
Usually, when couples differ greatly in size or preference one has to sacrifice and give in to the other. Or instead of going one way or the other they settle for something in between. A 250 pounder sleeping on a medium will hammock in the mattress and develop lower back problems. A 120 pounder may find the medium too firm and complain about restless tossing and turning caused by pressure points in her shoulders and hips. Our “Marriage-saver Mattress” gives you what you both need or want on your side of the bed.

Woman stretching in bed

Start every day with a good night’s sleep…


R.C. (Bob) Dimas

Picture of R.C. (Bob) Dimas

R.C. (Bob) Dimas

Bob has been in the comfort business, as the founder and CEO of Foamite, since 1988. Foamite is a foam and mattress manufacturer that is located in Toronto with its head office factory location in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. Foam, sleep and comfort can be very technical, scientific and complicated but it does not have to be that way. Let us break it down for you and help you choose the right foam grades for your sitting or sleeping requirements. Thank you for reading. Now, let us make your bed.

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